According to the craftswoman it is extremely important that the decoration to realize is in tune with the item and its shape.
In this initial phase, focusing on the objects she wants to realize, the craftswoman studies meticulously the decoration to accomplish. All the first sketches are realized in a design sheet and, once the desired decoration is achieved, it is perforated by a needle.
The old technique of pouncing is executed using a sheet perforated by a needle along the form of the design that we want to realize. Then, it is carefully laid upon the glazed surface of the item and it is knocked with a small bag containing coal dust. The coal dust pass through the holes, outlining a trace that will be drawn once again with a brush.

In this phase and before being glazing, all terra-cotta items are carefully cleaned up from any possible dust that, otherwise, could visibly compromise the final result of the ceramic object. Glazing can be executed with a brush, through perfusion or using an old technique of immersion. This technique consists of bathing the terra-cotta items, previously cooked at 100 degrees. In order to glaze the objects, fingers and pincers to hold up the items and are required. After glazing, it is necessary to dry the product perfectly; any possible failings will be carefully cleaned out through a sharp-edge blade. So the object is homogeneous and ready for the next phase: the pouncing.
The decoration is realized on the item previously glazed and it is entirely performed by hand. All the colours used for painting ceramics derive from different metallic oxides: from ferric oxide derive all the shades of yellow, from copper oxide all the shades of green, from cobalt oxide blue, from manganese oxide dark colours. Thanks to craftswoman’s skills, experience and love for ceramic, each item has a unique value.

Once the decoration on glaze is realized, the work continues with the next phase: the item is finally ready for the second cooking (at about 920-940 degrees).